Kishore Vancheeshwaran
App Review: MS SMS Organizer

I discovered Microsoft’s SMS Organizer recently. I am amazed at the simplicity and effectiveness of the app. It automatically parses my sms inbox and consolidates the messages into different folders to help segregate information.

The messages are segregated into 3 folders - Personal, Transactions, Promotions. In addition you have another way of segregating the messages - messages, reminders, finance, offers.

The following are the features the I personally like and find useful.

  • Blocks and control notifications depending on type of SMS. I mainly use this to switch off notifications for promotions.
  • Messages containing bank statements like balance/transaction are parsed and presented in a readable manner. For every transaction I see a highlight of the amount and the remaining balance as well. This is mainly useful when I read it from the notification bar since the actual message is not edited by the app.
  • Smart reminders for payment of credit card bills and upcoming trips.
  • Personal messages are segregated.

I highly recommend you use this app if you have a lot of SMS coming in and would like finer control over your messages. Do you use any other app for SMS? Send me an email, I would love to hear from you.

If you would like to leave a comment, contact me via email.
Post 9/99 - part of 100DaystoOffload